16 April 2016

Nobody Will Like It

**My theme for this year's A to Z Challenge is THE REVISION PROJECT. Topics I come across while I write the third draft of my novel, Uneven Lines.**

It’s not exactly something that comes up in everyday conversation, especially with my friends, who were just your typical dudes. And honestly, I had no idea how anyone would take it. My friends, my mom, or any of the countless people who thought they knew me but really didn’t know anything. 

It's pretty much impossible for everyone to like every book. Even if most people agree that a book is good, there are still going to be people who give it 1 star reviews. You just can't please everyone. But I'm sure most writers worry that they won't be able to please anyone. What if there is just not a single person out there who will like your book? What if everyone will hate it? 

This is one of the things that has seriously slowed down my writing (you know, besides the not being able to figure things out part). I constantly worry that people won't just not like it, but they'll hate it. They'll wonder why I wasted my time writing something so awful. They'll think I should quit writing altogether. 

I know that thinking is pretty extreme, but my book isn't exactly tame. People are going to find reasons to dislike it, but I can't change the story to try to please those people. But there are just so many elements that worry me. I worry that no one will like the voice, or the swears, or the sexual references. No one will like Jordan or the fact that he's a manipulative little bastard. No one will like that I'm a straight girl writing about gay characters. No one will like the age difference between my characters. No one will like that one of my characters is an ephebophile. No one will like any single thing that any character says, does, or thinks. 

*Phew* Ok, now that I've gotten that out...actually, I have no idea. I can't really erase those doubts until I actually publish it and have a few readers who do like it. And that doesn't mean that they won't be gone completely because I'm sure that there will still be people who hate it. I just wish (and maybe naively so) that the people who would hate it wouldn't read it in the first place. Or maybe someone with a completely open mind who gave it every possible chance and for whatever reason just didn't like it, well, that would be understandable. And better than someone who just hates it before they even start reading. 

Do you ever worry that no one will like your writing? 


  1. Sarah, doubts like this are normal. I've learned to roll with the review punches, some are easy to roll with then others. I can have 90 good reviews and then 10 really bad ones. I have to wonder why they hated my book so much when the other people seemed to really like it? Everyone had a different opinion and some people are just plain mean...

  2. I worry all the time, but people like different things, and you can't change that - you certainly can't write a book that everyone will like, that's physically impossible.

  3. I have a club called, "This Sucks." I go there at least once a week. Join me one day and we can talk.

  4. I think some of these doubts will be erased or clarified when you get some beta readers. I'd make sure that one of those beta readers was gay (since one of your concerns was a straight girl writing gay characters). That person can tell you what you've done well and what/how needs changing. If you don't have CPs, I'd get some of them, too. They can also help you navigate this territory. You'll still worry that some people won't like it (and they won't, because you can't please everyone), but they will give you insight into making your novel better... and that will make you more confident about this whole thing.

  5. I worry about people not liking my writing all the time. I'm surprised that I haven't given up on writing by now. But I keep writing, thinking that there's at least one person outside of family and friends who will like my writing.

  6. I worry about it often, but I try to live by the immortal words of Tina Fey: "Do your thing, and don't care if they like it."

    Some days it goes better than others.

  7. Why is it that writers are always so filled with self-doubt?
    I can completely relate to all these questions - and often wonder why I even feel compelled to write my story. And yet, compelled I am.

    Even when I don't like a story (for personal reasons), I always try to find qualities that I can admire. I rarely, if ever, give a one star review. So take heart, Sarah... you have lots to offer and the right audience will find you :)

  8. I worry about that with my published books and they have 4 and 5 star reviews. I worry they reviewers are lying to save my feelings. It's a worry that persists unfortunately. You just have to deal with it by reading the 5 star reviews that say what an awesome author you are.

  9. Someone will hate it. Someone else will love it. Any art you throw you heart into will be right for someone. For goodness sake, even absolute crap has fans :-)

    @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

  10. Hello from A to Z, Sarah. Once someone criticized one of my less flattering characters in a rough draft for a story. From the way they packaged their criticism, it felt like they were accusing me of being that character. And they were so off. My experience shows that there will always be people who don't understand your intention behind a story you're sharing. What's important is that you like your story and I do believe that if you're passionate about your own work, you'll find others who will feel the same way too.

  11. You are not alone in this self-defeating thinking. The piece I'm working on now is dear to my heart, but is it any good? Will anyone like it? GAK. I struggle with those thoughts almost daily.

  12. I'm more afraid that I won't try hard enough to encourage people to read my work. I optimistically think readers will like my work once they give it a chance (unless they are agents I'm querying. That's a whole 'nother can of worms.)

  13. Totally normal fear for writers. I worry about it all the time.

  14. I have the same fears. Right now, I'm writing a really twisted romance and I have no idea if I like it, nevermind the readers.

  15. I've had those doubts and fears. I'm terrified of what my book 3 will turn out to be, just because it's so freaking dark compared to the others (which aren't exactly light). That's one of the reasons why I have the Cera Chronicles. I know my husband likes those, so I have at least one person who likes them. :)
