03 April 2024

Everything Has Changed

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click here to learn more and sign up!

This month's optional question is: How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

I had to actually look back through my blog archive to remember how long it's been since my very first blog post. I started this blog on May 26, 2011. So, we're creeping up on 13 years, which many people may see as unlucky (unless you're a Taylor Swift fan). My very first post was not only about starting the blog, but also the decision I'd made to develop a short story I'd written into a novel. Well, 13 years later and said novel still isn't done. So, yeah, not feeling the luck. 

But I digress. 

I've always liked blogging because I can talk about the writing process, whether that process is actually happening or not. We can share our frustrations and successes, and interact with other writers. Finding a community of writers to connect with has definitely been the best part of blogging, and the IWSG is a huge part of that. Without these monthly posts, I probably wouldn't be blogging at all. Maybe if I was actually writing I would have more things to blog about, but it's nice to have this monthly staple to keep me going. 

For me, blogging used to be way more involved. I remember a time where I was blogging three times a week, taking part in numerous blog hops (and even creating my own!) and book tours for other authors. Like I said above, now I only post once a month. I think a lot of bloggers aren't as active as they used to be. I couldn't really say why because I have my own personal reasons for not doing it as much, mainly creative burnout and lack of time/energy. I don't keep up with others' blogs as much as I'd like, either. 

It does make me a bit sad to think of how fun and involved blogging used to be, but I know at least for now that I don't want to give up on it completely. So I guess I'll see you next month! 


  1. I think I've been blogging in one form or another for a good twenty years now. (And now I am feeling very old.) I used to blog three times a week, too. These days, it's only once a month, if I'm feeling ambitious.

    I've very much enjoyed reading your posts over the years, and I am still looking forward to reading that novel whenever it's ready.

  2. It's sad more writers aren't involved here anymore. But I'm glad the IWSG keeps many of them going.

  3. My theory is that most bloggers are long-form writers and it takes a lot to do that on a daily or weekly basis. I only post on IWSG now, and it takes me about a week to develop each post. I write a draft, change it like crazy and then spend a few days editing it. Right now there isn't enough time to do more than that and, well, yeah, write!

    1. THANK YOU! I thought this was just my problem. Everyone makes blogging look so easy, and there I am several drafts in and coming up to IWSG day, still editing away.

  4. I've been blogging since 2011 too. I enjoy it for the connections I've made with the writing community too. And most people have cut back on their blogging like you have.

  5. It's still more fun than on any other social media site.

  6. I used to blog a lot more too, and have just cut back to once a month. Life demands change over the course of the years.

  7. Hi, Sarah! When I started blogging, I was posting almost daily, but I had maybe four or five followers. I still post four to five times a month, because I really enjoy it. I had a place where I could share my writing and photographs, and that was empowering. And the friendships keep me coming back again and again! Have a fun IWSG Day!

  8. Your feelings really reflect my own, Sarah. I feel like I've been following you from the start.

  9. I feel the same about blogging and miss how exciting it used to be.

  10. The landscape in blogging has changed, even over the shorter time I've been on it. Not sure where it is going to go or what will replace it, but I'm super glad to stay connected with the monthly IESG blog hops. Thanks for the post!

  11. I've been blogging since early in 2012, so nearly as long. I agree about the changes, but I'm still trying to keep up some book reviews, and joining virtual book tours, because I want that support for my own writing! I post more when I'm home and writing, less when I'm traveling, but try to keep my blog lively.
