Occasionally Jordan bothers me with tales of his
various sexual escapades. It’s not really a problem, because it helps me to
understand and develop his character more, even if these events occur in the
future beyond the scope of my novel. But the funny thing is that I rarely write
them down. They’re usually just silly little fantasies.
Here’s the problem: if I don’t write something
down, and think about it enough that I can really visualize it, then it never
stops bothering me. No matter how much time goes by, they always come back to
haunt me. But if I do write them
down, then I stop thinking about them.
So I’ve put the book aside for a quick recess to write
a cute little short story. There’s no purpose to it, really. It’s just about
one of Jordan’s relationships about a year after the book takes place. And I’m
writing half of it from his point of view, and half from his love interest’s
(multiple POVs? What is this madness?!). Why am I doing this? Really, it’s just
for fun.
I’m all for giving in to indulgences when it comes
to writing. I have pages and pages of ideas that will probably never be used
for anything, but the joy I got from writing them down makes it worth it.
Usually writing these sorts of things reinvigorates my drive to write in
general. Plus, if I’m distracted by some random idea, how can I get back to my
actual work until that idea is out of my head?
It took me a couple months to finally make the decision
to write this story down. I just couldn’t ignore it any longer. But I almost
simultaneously made a decision to write down an idea I’ve had in my head for
years. It’s completely insane, but I’m going to commit to it. Let me start by
saying I love, love, love musicals. I
would love to write one, but I don’t have a drop of musical talent in my body. And
for some crazy reason, sometimes I concoct an idea for a musical based around a
CD that I own. Usually it’s just a fleeting idea, but I’ve had a concept for
Fall Out Boy’s Folie À
Deux for a few years now (Yes, I like Fall Out Boy. Leave me alone.), and
every time I listen to a song from that album, I see the ideas playing out in
my head. So I figured, why not? If nothing else, I can get the ideas out of my
head, and get some practice in script writing while I’m at it. It’s nuts, I know,
but I just feel like it’s something I have to do. These ideas will just nag and
nag at me until I do something about it.
If you let the ideas build up in your head, then
it just might drive you crazy. Not everything has to be a masterpiece. It
doesn’t even have to be shared with anyone else. It can be completely for you. You’re
going to get something out of it, even if it’s something small.