06 June 2016

Jordan Takes Over: But I Don't Wanna!

**The first Monday of every month, I let my muse take over the blog. I apologize in advance.**

People like to bitch and moan. It's just what we do. It makes us feel important. Especially when other people are around to hear us bitching. I mean, would you read a book or watch a movie or listen to ten songs in a row where everyone is happy? No, because that's boring. We like other people's misery even more than our own. It just makes for good entertainment.

People like to bitch the most, I think, when they have to do something that they don't want to. Like me writing this blog post. Wait, what? Did I say that? Prove it. Things like, going to the dentist, or getting your car inspected (I live in NYC, I don't need a car, haha!). Or maybe just going to your job every day. Every second can't be filled with great, fun things that you love doing, right? It's just part of life.

Case in point, Chapter Three. Well, the first half of it, anyway. We finished the edit (if you can call it that, it was basically perfect already) of Chapter Two on Tuesday, but you wanna know what's happened since then? A whole lot of nothing. And it's not my fault.

Don't believe me, do you? Look, I am perfectly willing and able to provide inspiration for this scene. I've even suggested ways to change it so it works better and fits in some setting crap that we haven't put in the first two chapters (Yes, it was my idea. No one is here to deny it, right? So it's the truth, then.). But a certain Miss Writer Lady (who shall remain nameless) doesn't want to work on it. Why? Because it's too hard! Boo hoo.

This is a scene that needs to pretty much be completely rewritten. And that's too hard and scary to even attempt, right? Hey, remember last month when I talked about how you blame your muses when you can't write? Well, that is not always the case, thank you very much. Sometimes you're too scared to write or you just don't want to do it because it's too hard and needs too much work,

Well, GET OVER IT. Guess what happens when you don't even try? Nothing! At least if you make an attempt, you'll eventually get through it. It could take forever, but eventually it will happen. And then you can move onto the next scene which is way more fun anyway.

So, in summary: Suck it up and stop your bitching.



  1. Amen, Jordan! Yes, we do have to suck it up and rewrite stuff even when it's hard. And I'll be sure to do that right after the other twenty things on my must-do list. Really. I mean it. Any day now. Um, is it lunch time yet?

  2. Sometimes the muses blame us, right Jordan? lol But you're suppose to kick Miss Writer Lady's butt into gear. I think you're slacking there mister. :P

    Jordan does have a point there at the end. Nothing happens if you don't try. :)

  3. I hear you! I've had to delete whole chapters, change endings, change POVs and tenses. It's hard, but you're so right. If you do nothing, nothing gets done!

  4. That's what muses are for. And you've got one tough one! I'm off to suck it up and stop my bitching.

  5. As your muse, he's one tough cookie.

  6. LOL I needed to read this today, Jordan. I have been bitching and whining and definitely need to suck it up. :D

  7. Oh, my yes! This happens all the time. I feel I'm stuck in a time warp myself.

  8. I think Jordan is talking to you, Sarah. ;) And maybe the rest of us when we procrastinate too.

  9. I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop bitching; I think it's part of what makes me neurotic. :) I must admit that I've been procrastinating about writing lately. Even though it's summer break and I finally have more time, it's much harder to get back to writing fiction. I know I have to, though, or I'll be angry at myself when school starts again.

  10. This post spoke to me. I suck it up all the time.

  11. I'm no fan of rewriting anything--I like to just keep on moving on and on. But what you say is right. Sometimes we have to do what we need to do and should just accept that fact. That is if we're looking to produce quality output.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  12. I blame my muse for everything, including the bad parts of my writing.

  13. It seems that in the Anglo-Saxon culture blog that I have met so far the only concern is to become real writers and publish a book (on paper of course). Where I come from, things are different: a blogger is not necessarily a "writer"

  14. get over it is exactly right! wah wah wah - i dont feel like it - im tired - im hungry - i have to go to work - all just excuses!! (ha ha)

    let's get writing, people!
    you can do it Sarah!
