Of course I'll be choosing characters from Uneven Lines. I think it's funny because I never intended to dream cast my characters, since it's something I've never done for any other book. But if you think about it that way, I never meant to write this book in the first place either. Sometimes the universe has other plans for you. The same thing goes for the soundtrack--I never thought I'd find a song that would fit my story. Now I can't help but find song after song that fits some aspect of it, but I have limited myself today to the main playlist. As for the characters, I'll be focusing on the main three from Uneven Lines.
Ok, I'll get the boring part out of the way, since I don't have a dream actor for Jordan, but how could I possibly go through a post without mentioning him? I usually describe Jordan as a 15-year-old mostly gay sociopath in training. Since most of his life is boring, he'll do anything just to feel a bit of a rush, whether it's failing math on purpose, or seducing a man nearly twice his age. He's good looking (and knows it), and when he finally figures out exactly what he wants, then he won't take no for an answer.
Since I don't go around Googling actors who might look like my characters, I just haven't come across anyone who I thought looked like Jordan and could also pull off playing him. But that's ok, because I actually don't want to. Let's say in a perfect universe my book does get published and does get turned into a movie. Well, I really don't want to have my heart set on someone for the most important character and then have someone else play him. Since Jordan is fifteen, I'd be picking a teenager who will probably be well into his twenties by the time my book is even published. Obviously actors play younger roles all the time, but for Jordan, it just wouldn't work. I don't think anyone playing him could be over 18. BUT, whoever does play him will have to be confident, charismatic, and have a "smile that can kill." And we can be best friends...that's not creepy, right?
Ok, enough ranting. Onto the
The next character is Tom, a shy 28-year-old professional math tutor who also has a flair for cooking (cupcakes!). His inner demons cause him to be closed off and reclusive, and although Jordan thinks he's just paranoid, it's his darkest secret that gives Jordan exactly what he needs to forge a sort of twisted relationship with Tom. They're complete opposites, but they understand each other completely, knowing exactly how to give each other what they want, but also where to cut the deepest.

Last but not least is Jordan's mother, Allison. She's a 30-year-old single mother who had her son when she was 15. She's not exactly proud of her life choices, so it's nearly impossible to form a relationship with her son. She spends most of her time at work (what she actually does is never mentioned in the book, but I imagine she's some sort of secretary/assistant at a law firm), but she's also her boss's mistress, and knows exactly how to reap the benefits. Nice clothing, fancy dinners, nights out, and money for an apartment where she can send her mail and hide her son away.
I picture Allison being played by Anne Hathaway (I had to find a picture of her before she cut her hair, and this one just screamed Jordan's mom). It was her performance in The Dark Knight Rises that did it for me. Allison is jaded and cynical, and basically an older, female version of Jordan. This is why they can never be in the same room for very long--way too much tension.
And now for the soundtrack! It took me a long time to craft it perfectly, but it feels just right. I know I've posted it here before, but I made a couple changes since then. I used to have Christina Perri's "Jar of Hearts" towards the end, but with the way I wrote the end of book, it didn't seem to fit anymore. So I scrapped it and swapped in "Demons" by Imagine Dragons, which seemed to perfectly fit the way Tom views his relationship with Jordan. As for a big "theme" song, I'd go with "The No Seatbelt Song" by Brand New. Tom is ok with being used by Jordan, and if he could choose to be with anyone it would be Jordan, but he knows it's impossible. And definitely "Handcuffs" for the sex scene. I could write a whole essay as to why that song is perfect for the scene. And since we're talking movies, I can really picture the opening credits set to Duncan Sheik's "Stripped," with Jordan walking around Central Park on a cold morning before school. One of his favorite things to do is escape from the city to the most nature-like place he can find, and the song also reflects his need to figure Tom out, or strip him down to the bone.
I know, I know...tl;dr. But there were pictures! And music! Hope you enjoyed my madness. Now I'm going to check out everyone else's posts for the day!