05 March 2025

How Do You Write Every Second You're Alive??

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click here to learn more and sign up!

This month's optional question is: If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

Well, my immediate response to this question is that I would want to be a house cat. Just living the good life, taking lots of naps, looking cute, and getting fed. But that's not really what the question meant, is it??

I don't know if I would necessarily want to be any particular person for a day, but I would like to understand how certain people's minds work. Anyone who is able to just keep constantly writing, constantly coming up with new ideas and churning out project after project. I feel like even when I was actively writing, I was only able to focus on one idea at a time and didn't have too many other ideas on the back burner. 

I would love to absorb the drive these kinds of people have. I want to be able to just keep writing and writing and writing and then writing some more. 

Finding inspiration and drive has been really hard for me for a long time now. I know there's no secret to finding it, but it's hard to understand how other writers can keep coming up with new ideas and getting them done so quickly. I wish there was some kind of switch in my brain that I could turn on and make the writer in me go into hyperdrive. 

I guess I'll just have to keep plugging away day by day, trying to find scraps of inspiration. I have been listening to my book's playlist when I'm at the gym lately, and while it does make me think of that story, I haven't actually brought that inspiration home with me and done anything with it. But, baby steps, right? Maybe one of these days I'll pick up a pen and start brainstorming again. 

Are you always writing or coming up with new ideas? What's your secret??


  1. I come up lots of ideas for stories and write them down but that's about it. I do plug away at my W.I.P. daily. Sometimes it's only research, but that's okay...it's better than nothing.

  2. I don't have tons of ideas for stories either. I think taking baby steps is a good approach, especially when you have a busy life like you do.

  3. I never have tons of ideas. I'm lucky to have one!

  4. Constantly filling the creative well so I can keep writing... That's the only secret I know :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Tips For Author Success in 2025

  5. I have ideas, just not the urge to write them down. Elizabeth S. Craig puts out four books a year, so she's one of those write every day type of person.

  6. Anonymously Esther O'Neill, East of the Sun, no signal, 0 G, rubbish broadband. Realistically, my second choice - be a cat, was probably more achievable. The perfect life, all services and staff included.

  7. I'm impressed and fascinated by the type of writers you describe. I have a friend with a very productive muse who throws more and more ideas at her every day. Meanwhile, my muse, if I even have one, is on some kind of semi-permanent hiatus. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  8. You can never have too many ideas. The problem is sorting through them and focusing on one Yikes!

  9. Lol, seems like an idyllic life being a cat.

  10. I wouldn't mind being one of those productive writers too, Sarah! But I'm just going to keep on plodding along as me. All the best to you! Happy IWSG Day!
