26 March 2014


Just popping in real quick today. I know I haven't blogged in forever. I also haven't written in forever. But today is DOOMSDAY and I must spend the whole day writing. 

Oh, it's not nearly as bad as I make it sound. It was just another one of those deadlines I set for myself forever ago that I once again didn't meet. But it's also the sort of thing that will hopefully kick me in the butt. 

It's also the third day of my staycation and I have gotten nothing done yet! It's ok, though. Monday was my fiance's birthday and yesterday was my laundry/errand day. So now it's writing time! I also really really need to plan some A to Z Challenge posts. I haven't thought of a theme yet so I'm thinking I probably won't have one, but obviously every post will be about writing. 

But since it's DOOMSDAY I will be working on the second draft today. All day. That's it. So...off I go! 

10 March 2014

Surrender the Sky Cover Reveal

I'm stepping one toe out of my comfort zone and helping a fellow writer reveal her cover! Isn't it gorgeous?? Congrats, Meradeth!

The third book in the Sary Society series, SURRENDER THE SKY, has a shiny new cover!

Release Date: May, 2014


Gabby lives by two unbreakable rules: don’t expose her kind, the Sary, and don’t fall in love—too bad some rules are made to be broken.

When Gabby’s most difficult charge accidentally shoots her in front of a class full of students, the event exposes her carefully hidden identity. She shifts from looking like a normal teen to her secret Sary form, revealing her wings and the existence of her kind—immortals who try to keep people from committing suicide. Her incident attracts the attention of the next leader of the Sary, Jassen, who offers her an impossible bargain: she can keep her wings if she makes amends with those who know the truth. Things get more complicated when a rebel Sary, intent on exposing them to the world, starts interfering with Gabby’s work. And there’s no denying her attraction to Jassen, who is torn between his duties and his heart. With threats at every turn and her immortality on the line, Gabby has to find a way to save the Sary or surrender the sky forever.

Surrender the Sky is a stand alone title that follows COLORS LIKE MEMORIES and THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE, with cameos from several of the characters in the first books! It will be available in May wherever ebooks are sold!

Join in the celebration for a $10 Amazon gift card! Use the rafflecopter below for entries :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find Meradeth Houston online at: www.MeradethHouston.com
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and of course her blog!

07 March 2014

Step by Step

Thanks to everyone who stopped by on Wednesday and left me their thoughts. I really appreciate it. I think I got some good advice that I'll definitely take into consideration. This certainly isn't a decision I can jump into headfirst. It's going to take some time and a lot of planning. So I came to a realization this morning that was actually really amusing.

The people I should really be taking advice from are the characters in my book.

I know, I know, sounds crazy. But it was kind of staring me in the face the whole time. Early on in the book, Jordan compares figuring out their relationship to a math problem the two are working on. "Step by step, right?"

Anyway, I could go on for days describing my characters and how their relationship relates to my thought process right now, but I'll skip ahead. The first thing I have to do is plan. Lots and lots of planning. I have to make a list of the things I want to get done before I even put in my notice at work--pay off my credit card, figure out how much money I spend on bills each month, get my savings up to a certain amount. I also really want to finish my second draft before leaving my job because a lot of my coworkers are reading it and I just really want to get some responses in person. Can't help myself, really. And if I can get my book query ready by the end of my staycation this month, I'll be in a better position than I am now.

This whole thing is going to be a long, step by step process. I'll want to create my non-working daily schedule, map out every single goal I have in mind. But I honestly think that it's going to happen within the next few months. Best case scenario, my book gets published and I earn enough to not work (I can dream, ok?). Second best, I get my resume done and find a job that I actually like, or get into freelancing so I can work from home. There's plenty of possibilities that are all better than the situation I'm in now.

We'll see how it goes. For now I just have to take it one step at a time.

05 March 2014

Job Insecurity

It's that time again! The first Wednesday of every month is the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Click the link to visit Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog and learn more!

First Wed of Every Month

I had an interesting day on Friday. I spent the morning writing a blog post which I was really excited about, then spent the rest of the day visiting other blogs and getting another chapter edited before sending it out to my readers. One reader got through the chapter right away and even quoted it on his Facebook. I had work at 5 and I was in such a good mood that I couldn't stop smiling. But then, of course, I was at work. It didn't take long for the smile to vanish. I realized that this is a pretty accurate representation of my life at this point.

When I first started at my job almost three years ago, I was in a tight spot. The place I had worked at closed the day before my college graduation. I had no job and needed to quickly find a place to live as well. I was desperate. So when I applied and was told to come back for an interview, I was just glad to get anything. Since I hadn't quite figured out what sort of career I wanted, I thought this would be a good job to have while I finished my novel and figured things out.

Well, that was a long time ago. If you've been to this blog often, you know how long it took me to get the first draft of my novel done. And if I really admit it, my job is at least partially to blame for that. I have an erratic schedule that's never the same week to week. When I work days, I'm usually too tired afterwards to get anything done. When I work nights, I spend the whole day dreading going in. Honestly, this job had the opposite results of what I originally thought. It kept me, and still keeps me, from getting what I need to get done.

I've been thinking about it for a while now, and the more I consider it, the more of a good idea it seems. I've considered finding another job, but I don't know what sort of career I want if writing books doesn't work as quickly as I'd like. I don't want a lateral move--a job that has nothing to do with what I care about or went to college for. And after almost three years and several raises, I would probably be forced to take a pay cut if I changed to another random job. That's part of why I've stayed at my job for so long. I've always been a hard worker, as well, and am in a slight position of authority/importance. I know if I left my job I'd be letting a lot of people down.

But there comes a point where I have to think about myself. My job makes me miserable. It's not what I want and honestly, I've put up with it for far too long. But what I'm thinking about doing is not getting a new job. It's having no job at all, at least for a few months. I have enough money saved to cover bills for quite some time, although I am concerned with eating up my savings. It may be necessary for my sanity, though. What I want to do is take a few months to focus completely on writing. Finish my book, get queries out, spend more time blogging and networking. I could also search for freelance jobs or even a full time career that's related to writing or publishing. I mean, I don't even have a resume, because I never have time to sit down and do that sort of thing. If all of my time could be focused on writing, it wouldn't be like it is now, just getting whatever I can done in my little free time. I could make a schedule for myself, work on specific things every day, have goals in mind.

I'm not really sure what exactly I want to do yet. I know I have to give it a lot more thought before I take any action, talk to different people, and have things mapped out. It could take a few months just to get to the point where I can quit my job. I'm definitely open to some advice here. But the thought of it isn't all that scary. It's exciting. Which leads me to believe it's the right thing to do.

03 March 2014

Jordan Takes Over: Just Calm Down Already

**The first Monday of the month, I let my muse take over the blog. I apologize in advance.**

You writers can be so uptight. I mean, seriously, one second you're off on some creative binge, and the next you're all, "this crap is never going to amount to anything!" I've just got one thing to say about that: cool it! Just fucking cool it!

Look at it from my perspective. I'm not exactly the commitment type, but Sarah and I have been together for three effing years. That's longer than all of my relationships combined. And trust me, I would not stick around for nothing.

But this post isn't about trusting your muse--I'm sure I've said that all before (or have I? I don't remember...). This is about anxiety. Oh, what's that? You don't get anxiety? Are you a writer? Oh, well in that case...LIAR! It's not just about nerves--every time you tell yourself that you're no good, that's anxiety. You're too worried about spending all this time working on your writing and having it never amount to anything. But you're looking at it the wrong way. So what if it's crap? Everything starts out as crap. No one is brilliant on the first try (No, not even me. But I'm talking like, when I write songs. Not *ahem* other skills...). The point is that you have at least a scrap of a good idea underneath all the shit, and that you understand what needs to be fixed.

You're really just looking at anxiety the wrong way. I think anxiety is awesome. I mean, come on, it makes your heart pound, puts you on the edge. It's something raw and visceral. If you focus too much on this "woe is me" bullshit, then you're gonna lose the whole experience. Think about what being anxious is actually doing for you. If you just walked around thinking you were perfect all the time (hey, shut up, this isn't about me), how could you ever find the flaws in your work? You'll just think it's wonderful and send it out thinking you'll be some overnight star. And then what happens? Well, you get rejections, and you have no idea why. Because you're so goddamn perfect, right?

See the problem? In the long run, a little anxiety can be good for you. That doesn't mean you should be consumed by it. Trust me, I've been with a few guys who were all, "I'm terrible, I'm nothing, I'm doomed to hell just for existing." It gets annoying after a while. Plus, they were usually the nicest, sweetest people you could imagine.

So for fuck's sake, stop being so hard on yourself. And just calm down already.


28 February 2014

WIP: The Movie

Ok, ok, I didn't really need that much convincing. Today I'm joining in on the WIP: The Movie bloghop, hosted by Kyra Lennon and Rachel Schieffelbein. The idea is to "cast" the characters in your WIP and post photos of the actors and actresses who would play them. You also get to share songs you would put on your movie's soundtrack. Sounds like fun, right? And since I never ever think about these sort of things (wink wink), I just HAD to participate!

Of course I'll be choosing characters from Uneven Lines. I think it's funny because I never intended to dream cast my characters, since it's something I've never done for any other book. But if you think about it that way, I never meant to write this book in the first place either. Sometimes the universe has other plans for you. The same thing goes for the soundtrack--I never thought I'd find a song that would fit my story. Now I can't help but find song after song that fits some aspect of it, but I have limited myself today to the main playlist. As for the characters, I'll be focusing on the main three from Uneven Lines.

Ok, I'll get the boring part out of the way, since I don't have a dream actor for Jordan, but how could I possibly go through a post without mentioning him? I usually describe Jordan as a 15-year-old mostly gay sociopath in training. Since most of his life is boring, he'll do anything just to feel a bit of a rush, whether it's failing math on purpose, or seducing a man nearly twice his age. He's good looking (and knows it), and when he finally figures out exactly what he wants, then he won't take no for an answer.

Since I don't go around Googling actors who might look like my characters, I just haven't come across anyone who I thought looked like Jordan and could also pull off playing him. But that's ok, because I actually don't want to. Let's say in a perfect universe my book does get published and does get turned into a movie. Well, I really don't want to have my heart set on someone for the most important character and then have someone else play him. Since Jordan is fifteen, I'd be picking a teenager who will probably be well into his twenties by the time my book is even published. Obviously actors play younger roles all the time, but for Jordan, it just wouldn't work. I don't think anyone playing him could be over 18. BUT, whoever does play him will have to be confident, charismatic, and have a "smile that can kill." And we can be best friends...that's not creepy, right?

Ok, enough ranting. Onto the psychotic fun part!

The next character is Tom, a shy 28-year-old professional math tutor who also has a flair for cooking (cupcakes!). His inner demons cause him to be closed off and reclusive, and although Jordan thinks he's just paranoid, it's his darkest secret that gives Jordan exactly what he needs to forge a sort of twisted relationship with Tom. They're complete opposites, but they understand each other completely, knowing exactly how to give each other what they want, but also where to cut the deepest.

My pick for Tom is (of course!) Jonathan Groff. I was obsessed with Spring Awakening long before I started this book, so it didn't take me long to realize that the way I pictured Tom in my head looked exactly like Jonathan. And the obsession grew...er, exploded...from there. What can I say? I'm a sucker for an adorable gay man. Seriously, I will watch anything he is in (Looking is getting a second season, woop woop!!). I've made two separate trips to New York to see him. There was already an entire paragraph devoted to a description of Tom's blue eyes in the book, but I rewrote it a bit after I met Jonathan--you know, after my heart restarted since I didn't know he had blue eyes until that moment.

Oh right, I promised you guys a picture. Ok, just don't look at me. I will never cut my hair that short again *strokes long hair*...Anyway, this was from October of 2011 after a play called The Submission. I don't know if you're familiar with the concept of stage door stalking, but basically you wait for the actors at the stage door of the theater to get autographs and/or pictures. I actually hate doing it because it gives me ridiculous anxiety and I don't know what to say. So this was the only time I've ever done it. But I am so glad I did because I would be kicking myself to this day if I had chickened out. He was a total sweetheart :)

Last but not least is Jordan's mother, Allison. She's a 30-year-old single mother who had her son when she was 15. She's not exactly proud of her life choices, so it's nearly impossible to form a relationship with her son. She spends most of her time at work (what she actually does is never mentioned in the book, but I imagine she's some sort of secretary/assistant at a law firm), but she's also her boss's mistress, and knows exactly how to reap the benefits. Nice clothing, fancy dinners, nights out, and money for an apartment where she can send her mail and hide her son away.

I picture Allison being played by Anne Hathaway (I had to find a picture of her before she cut her hair, and this one just screamed Jordan's mom). It was her performance in The Dark Knight Rises that did it for me. Allison is jaded and cynical, and basically an older, female version of Jordan. This is why they can never be in the same room for very long--way too much tension.

And now for the soundtrack! It took me a long time to craft it perfectly, but it feels just right. I know I've posted it here before, but I made a couple changes since then. I used to have Christina Perri's "Jar of Hearts" towards the end, but with the way I wrote the end of book, it didn't seem to fit anymore. So I scrapped it and swapped in "Demons" by Imagine Dragons, which seemed to perfectly fit the way Tom views his relationship with Jordan. As for a big "theme" song, I'd go with "The No Seatbelt Song" by Brand New. Tom is ok with being used by Jordan, and if he could choose to be with anyone it would be Jordan, but he knows it's impossible. And definitely "Handcuffs" for the sex scene. I could write a whole essay as to why that song is perfect for the scene. And since we're talking movies, I can really picture the opening credits set to Duncan Sheik's "Stripped," with Jordan walking around Central Park on a cold morning before school. One of his favorite things to do is escape from the city to the most nature-like place he can find, and the song also reflects his need to figure Tom out, or strip him down to the bone.

I know, I know...tl;dr. But there were pictures! And music! Hope you enjoyed my madness. Now I'm going to check out everyone else's posts for the day!

26 February 2014

Where the F*** Do I Fit In?

I'm having an identity crisis.

If you've been watching the #mswl page on Twitter today, you know it features agents tweeting about what kinds of manuscripts they're looking for (or I think that's the gist of it...I only discovered it today :/). And as I'm working through the second draft of my novel, I've started to give some serious thought to querying. But I'm kind of at a loss.

I fully understand that first I will have to research literary agents to figure out who and where my book will fit in with. I'm sure I'll find several that I'll feel comfortable sending query letters to. The problem is when I actually sit down to write that query letter. Writing a blurb or synopsis doesn't faze me, really. I've got a draft already, and yes, it needs work, but it's a start. What I worry about are labels.

Every book is supposed to fit into a specific genre, right? Sometimes more than one. Like, you can have a YA paranormal romance. That's several elements rolled into one. But still, it's very clearly defined. What if I don't know exactly how to define my book?

Ok, so the whole straight-girl-writing-gay-fiction thing is a crisis for another day. Obviously I wouldn't send my book to any agency that wouldn't accept gay fiction, so I plan on identifying my book as such. My real problem is the age bracket. I don't really know where my book falls. My protagonist is fifteen, but I don't really see the book as being YA. There's a lot of swearing and some sexual situations (that are in no way held back like you would usually see in YA). But can I pass off a book that's written from the point of view of a fifteen-year-old to adults? I've read descriptions for NA, as well, and that doesn't feel quite right, either.

I also worry about falling into a niche as far as genre goes. Yes, right now I identify as writing gay fiction, and I do have other ideas in that genre. But I also have ideas that don't fit. I know I don't have to limit myself, but if I develop a fanbase from my first book, will they be disappointed if I write something different?

Blah, ok, I'm sure I'll figure it out. I'll find my agent soul mate, just like I found my real one, and my fictional character one, and my cat one...I'm a firm believer in having more than one soul mate...

Another issue I'm having is whether or not to participate in an awesome blog hop this Friday! It's the WIP: The Movie Bloghop, hosted by Kyra Lennon and Rachel Schieffelbein. If you haven't heard of it, you get to "cast" your WIP, sharing pictures of the actors and actresses you would want to play your characters, as well as sharing music that would be on your movie soundtrack. I'm on the fence about actually doing it, partially because I pretty much shared all of this info in my 100th post, and because I'm just really awkward about sharing these sorts of details in the first place. But it sounds so awesome! I could definitely go into more detail about my choices if I participate, and I do have songs picked out for specific moments, so that would be fun to share. Plus I could possibly maybe share a photo I have of myself with one of my dream actors from a couple years ago. I really hate pictures of myself but I mean, how many people have actually stalked MET their dream actors???

Ok, here's the deal, dear readers. You have two tasks. One is to check out the link for the blog hop and sign up, because it's a really awesome idea. And don't try to pretend you don't think about these things. Two is to convince me to sign up as well. I think I will make my decision by tomorrow night and hopefully join the linky list, then post sometime on Friday.

Well, go on, convince me! <3