03 June 2015

Still Not Writing

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click the link to learn more and sign up!

Well, I think I'm finally done with blogging milestones for a while. My 4th anniversary and my 300th post were only a week apart. From here on out I think it will just be normal blog posts. I know I should probably take a break from blogging for a bit but I've already made it this far into the year with a perfect record (posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), so I'd like to see how far I can get. 

It's also been exactly a year since I quit my day job, and I can't believe it's been so long already. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything. I am still making some money, but I haven't even tried to break into freelance writing. I haven't finished my novel or started querying it like I thought I would. I haven't even submitted any smaller pieces to literary magazines. That was kind of the point to taking the time off, so I would actually have time to work on these things. Well, that and the fact that my job made me completely miserable. But I just thought we'd have life figured out at this point. I wasn't supposed to look for another job until we figured out where we were moving, but that still hasn't happened. 

I think the writing thing is what bothers me the most. I still have this mental block when it comes to working on my WIP. I just don't want to work on it. I think about my sequel ideas more than the first book, but I don't actually work on those, either. I don't know, maybe I'm just scared because I know how hard it's going to be to try to get this book published. Maybe there's a part of me that just doesn't want to bother. But I've worked so hard on it already, and I feel like there has to be a reason that I started writing it. I just wish I could get the desire to work on it again, because I'll never be able to even try to publish it if I don't finish it first. 

Well, I guess that's about it for this month's insecurities. Maybe by next month I'll get to tell you that I actually wrote something. That would be incredible.

01 June 2015

Jordan Takes Over: The 300th Post

**The first Monday of every month, I let my muse take over the blog. I apologize in advance.**

I know what you're probably thinking. Has Jordan really taken over 300 times? YOU WISH. Nope, this is the overall 300th blog post. And it's all mine. You can't have it.

So what are we doing for the 300th post? Well, seeing as how we threw a giant party last week...not so much. I'm just winging it, really. What, did you think I have a master plan for everything? That would be exhausting. So, 300 posts. That's a lot of writing, right? This is only my 17th time taking over, if you can believe it. I hope you're not sick of me. Not because I care what you think, but because I know how to get revenge on people, so watch out. I mean, just ask my old friend Brian from high school. People started threatening him; he had to transfer schools. You don't want to end up like him, do you??

But anyway, blog posts! 300 sure seems like a lot, doesn't it? Although I'm sure a lot of you reading this blew past that number a long time ago. When you reach a milestone, it can be tricky figuring out what to do with it. You could make a huge deal about it, just casually mention it, or do nothing at all. When we hit 100 it was kind of a big deal, so that post featured 100 facts about my book (no I will not link you. I looked at it recently and like half the facts aren't even true anymore. But I guess that's what editing will do to you...). 200 wasn't such a big deal. This one's not that huge of a deal, either.

You can choose to celebrate milestones or anniversaries. Since we had a huge party last week for the 4th anniversary, it seemed silly to make a big deal about the 300th post just a week later. Plus it just happened to fall on my posting day and I sure as hell wasn't going to give it up. PLEASE.

But you love me, right? I kind of feel like a famous person already. We've got two guest posts/interviews coming up in the near future and one in the works. Well, ok, technically they're Sarah's posts, but my name comes up. Trust me. The third one, though, is all me. You're excited, I know. I'm sure she'll let you know when they happen. Because I'll be too busy.

Busy doing what, you may be wondering. Well, if you think about it, I pretty much only do four things. Actually, five if you count muse-type stuff (like writing this!). Who wants to play a game?! Guess the four things I do with my life. Whoever guesses right will receive a, um....a nice comment back! Not from me, though. I'm going to take a nap *hint hint*............


29 May 2015

Fast Five Friday: Childhood Cartoons

It's time for another installment of Fast Five Friday, created by the ladies over at Cover Girls! This week they've asked as to share five childhood cartoons. The hardest part was actually narrowing it down to five!

BTW, I was probably most obsessed with #1 when I was little (so I guess I've had an obsessive personality since childhood...). My stuffed Darkwing Duck was my favorite toy for quite some time and I even threw him a birthday party, complete with Easy Bake Oven treats. If that doesn't scream 90s I don't know what does.

1. Darkwing Duck
2. Garfield and Friends
3. Tiny Toon Adventures
4. Ren & Stimpy
5. Rocko's Modern Life

What were some of your favorite childhood cartoons? Have a great weekend, everyone! I've got my 300th blog post on Monday! Still no idea what it will be about, though...

27 May 2015

Time to Be Productive (??)

I think my brain has fizzled out but I still refuse to take a blogging break, so here I go!

Thanks to everyone who participated in The Muse Party Blogfest on Monday! It was loads of fun getting to know everyone's muses. I don't think the party got too crazy, right? We certainly had an interesting mix of people! I feel like I should write a story about it (but you know what happens when I promise things...). I'm pretty sure Jordan tried to rig spin the bottle by putting all the guys in one circle and the girls in another. Did he think no one would notice??

Turns out I have another milestone next Monday--my 300th blog post. But you-know-who is taking over that day so I have no idea how that's going to go yet.

Well, I was supposed to be on a plane to Florida in a few hours but I decided not to go. Mostly because of the cat. He seems to be doing a bit better but he just stresses out so easily I don't think he would do very well alone for 5 days. Usually we have my dad and my fiance's sister check on him when we travel, but his sister was going with us, and I didn't think one person was good enough, especially with the stomach issues he's been having.

I have been feeding Gizmo a little canned pumpkin every day, which I think is helping. It was so funny the first time I tried to feed it to him, he wanted no part of it and I had to literally shove it into his mouth. Then he was like, wait a second, this is pretty tasty. Now he begs for it and scarfs it down. I also refilled the wall plug in that keeps him from stressing. It's like an air freshener that sends out happy cat pheromones. It's been a lifesaver since he started getting UTIs, but it's sooooo expensive at the pet stores so I have to order it from Amazon. I think stress was a big factor in him getting sick this time, too.

Anyway, enough about my cat! My fiance is gone until Monday so I'm all by my lonesome. I hope that means I can get a lot done. Maybe some, dare I say it, writing??? Or I could just sit around watching movies. Who knows?

Well, I've been up since 3:30 for no reason, so I'm going to make a giant cup of coffee. What's everyone else up to?

25 May 2015

The Muse Party Blogfest!!!!!

The day has finally arrived! It's time for The Muse Party Blogfest! Now I can finally stop trying to pimp it out...

I wanted to throw this party to celebrate my fourth blogging anniversary. I can't believe it's been so long! I still feel like I'm getting the hang of it. So I decided to throw a party where my fellow bloggers can come and bring along their muses (or characters from their books). It should be lots of fun! If you'd still like to sign up, the Linky List will be live for the rest of the day.

Onto the party!!! Everything is set up and the guests should be arriving shortly. We've got balloons, an open bar, karaoke, and a giant snack table! My muse is awake...
*ahem* Since Jordan wasn't going to let me run this whole show on my own, he gets the blue font so you'll know when he's talking. I told him to keep his swearing to a minimum. 
Wait, what? Motherf---
Let's get started! For this blogfest, everyone had to answer the same questions about how they and their muses would act at the party. So Jordan and I will be playing along as well.

I know I promised you guys a picture but it turns out I just really can't draw. Like, at all. Especially people. I tried, really! My fiance has dabbled in cartoons and even tried and he doesn't even know what Jordan looks like. So yeah. Didn't happen. *womp womp*

1. Who is your muse (or character)? Tell us a little bit about him/her and why you brought them.
I think we’re good, right? Everyone knows you already.
EXCUSE ME? Are you trying deny me the spotlight??
Oh, all right. This sassy SOB is my muse, Jordan. He’s been attached to my brain like a leech for a little over four years now. He’s the lead singer of a band with his friends, has the biggest sweet tooth anyone’s ever had, and is mildly sociopathic (Like seriously, don’t get on his bad side. You’ll regret it). He’s also the main character in my WIP, which we will hopefully finish someday. I brought him because he’s my only muse and pretty much the only POV I write from so he basically runs my life.
Sounds about right. 

2. What are you guys wearing? Dressing up or keeping it casual?
I’m definitely dressing up! I will take any chance to wear a pretty dress and high heels.
You’re such a girl.
Well, yeah. What about you?
Well, I’m not gonna go nuts and wear a suit or anything. Probably just jeans, a t-shirt, and a nice jacket or something.
You wear skinny jeans more than I do.
Don’t you have to go take six hours to straighten your hair or something?

3. It’s a potluck! Did you bring something yummy!
I made my lemon raspberry cupcakes, of course!
I brought enough guacamole to feed a small country.
Did you bring tortilla chips?
How is that my job??

4. Open bar! What are you both drinking (booze or otherwise)?
My go-to bar drink is usually Malibu and pineapple juice.
Yeah, I’ll just have what she’s having. I’ll probably have some shots later.
Uh, no. He’ll have some tea.
Water, then? You’re 19.
I’m a muse. I’m ageless. I can be whatever age I want to be. Plus you’ve been working on Book 3 so I’m 22.
Well, I’ve been working on Book 1, too, and you’re 15 in that so your argument is irrelevant. No booze.
You’re no fun. I mean, really. Zero fun.

5. Wallflowers or social butterflies?
I’m usually a wallflower but it’s my party so I guess I should play host, at least. I may need a few drinks first…
I can’t have any booze and I highly doubt there will be anyone here I could even try to flirt with so I’m just gonna sulk in the corner.
Oh, come on. Have a little fun.
HOW?! You’ve taken away the only two good things about going to a party. Alcohol and the chance to get laid.
Just wait and see…

6. What song(s) will you and your muse sing for karaoke?
FINALLY. My moment has arrived! Wait, do I only get one???!!!!
There are a lot of people who will want to sing, too.
Yeah, but if I go first no one will want to follow me.
Be nice, please.
This has nothing to do with being nice. This is about being talented.
How about we each get our own song and then do one together?
*sigh* Fine. I'm always up for singing "Satisfaction."
It’s practically your theme song. Well, I have to sing “Ordinary Day” because it’s our song!
Please don’t get sappy on me. We’re singing “Centuries” together.
What?! No! I suck at that song.
I don’t! *evil laugh* Do not even try to pretend like you don’t want to sing Fall Out Boy with me.
Maybe a little bit.

7. What’s your favorite party game?
Everyone do a shot every time Jordan rolls his eyes!
HEY. How about spin the bottle? But no do-overs if you land on the same sex.
Ok, but no do-overs if you land on the opposite sex.
I’m not playing. I’ve only kissed one person my entire life and I’m keeping it that way.
Don’t be so uptight! Someone get her another drink…

8. Which one of you is more likely to end up dancing on a table top?
Agh! I guess me because I’m the only one drinking.
If I was drinking I’d probably say something stupid and then pass out. I’m a sad drunk. I don’t know how that happened.
I just talk too much when I drink. So I’d say there won’t be any table dancing. Hopefully.

9. Has your muse been a good date and would you ever hang out with them again?
You’re ok, I guess.
Gee, thanks.
Oh, who am I kidding? I would totally hang out with you again. You’ve got this weird hold on me.
Well, if this ever happens again and I can’t bring an actual date, I guess you’d be my first choice.
Aw, you’re so sweet.
That wasn’t even a little bit sweet.
It’s about as sweet as you get so I’ll take it.

Thanks to everyone participating in the blogfest and whoever is crazy enough to read through my posts (especially this one)! Be sure to check out the other names on the list and see who else is coming to the party!!

22 May 2015

Party Prep!

It’s Friday and that means we’re just one post away from the epic Muse Party Blogfest! There’s still time to sign up so I’ve included the Linky List below, but click on the link if you need to check out the guidelines! I’m hoping that everyone is going to have an awesome time enjoying the party and getting to know everyone and their muses. Now if I could only find Jordan. He’s supposed to be helping me set up…


*kicks* Wake up!

Huh? Oh man, you gave me the blue font again? I’ll just get back to my nap, thank you very much.

You’re supposed to be helping!

You know this isn’t a real party, right? There isn’t actually anything to set up.

Indulge me. Here, you can blow up the balloons. I have to get back to making cupcakes.

You’re not making those cupcakes, are you?

I always make those cupcakes. I’m practically famous for them.

Except you stole them from my book, you slut.

Excuse me?! You know that phrase “the pot calling the kettle black?” Well this is like the pot calling the porcelain teapot black.

*Pfft* Fine. But it’s not a white teapot. Off-white, maybe.


Ok, geez. Relax. So how many people are coming to this thing?

Twenty-two sign ups so far. So with their muses that makes forty-four….I think I’m gonna need more cupcakes. Are you making anything?

Haven’t decided yet. I think I’ll bring something you can't resist like shrimp cocktail or onion dip so that you’ll just be eating and not yelling at me.

Because that requires sooooooo much work!

Ugh. Fine. Maybe I’ll make some guac. Actually, I’d better get out of here. I’m gonna need like, a million avocadoes…

You just keep blowing up those balloons, mister.

*sigh* I still don’t get why I can’t bring a date.

It’s a muse party. You’re supposed to be my date.

Ew. Are there any guys coming, at least? Or is it going to be a chick fest?

There are guys coming but I’m pretty sure they’re all straight. So no flirting.

Boooooooooooooooooo. You never let me have any fun.

You can make some friends!

I don’t need friends, I need to get laid!

You never struggle in that department so that’s not even true. All right, we’re probably annoying everyone out there so I should wrap this up. We pretty much just need to finish the decorations and the snacks, set up the bar and karaoke machine, and that’s it!

I’m so going to win at karaoke.

It’s not a contest.

I’m still going to win.

You always do. Oh wait, I forgot! I really want to draw a picture of us!


Because it would be cool! Plus no one knows what you look like. Actually, there’s probably still a few people out there who think you’re a girl…

Fine. Draw your damn picture. I’m going to get back to my nap. Who in their right mind has a party on a Monday anyway?

Well, no one blogs on a Saturday night, so…deal with it!


Yeah, this is pretty much what I deal with on a daily basis. No wonder I never get any writing done…

Come back on Monday for all the festivities! And sign up below if you haven’t already. It should be lots of fun!!!

20 May 2015

Figuring it Out Ahead of Time

Last week I talked about when characters run amok and do something unexpected, and you're left trying to figure out what to about it. If it isn't something you thought of when you originally planned out your book, it may be difficult to figure out where this change can happen. How does it affect the rest of the story? Do you have to completely overhaul the whole book or can you just sneak it in?

If your characters are nice enough, maybe they'll make these random decisions ahead of time so that you don't have to completely change the events of the book. Or maybe it won't be such a life changing event and you can just sneak it in somewhere. The best possible scenario would be to figure it out before you even start writing. If you've got just an outline or even a rough idea in your head of what will happen in the story, it will be pretty easy (or at least not as hard) than having to completely change something you've already written.

Luckily my rogue character was nice enough to throw this curve ball at me before I even outlined the book. When I first thought of the moment when he reveals a secret to the MC, my initial reaction was, "So???" This was a character who was never meant to be important. If you've got an unimportant character suddenly trying to become important, it's going to seem strange. And no one is going to care.

I always had the rough outline in my head of what would happen in the second book. And this particular character was going to have two, maybe three lines. But apparently that wasn't good enough for him. The thing that really changed, though, was having this moment inspire a third book, where said character would be extremely important. But I thought, is anyone going to care? If he was basically a background character in the second book, how believable is it to upgrade him to love interest by the third?

The answer wasn't that hard to figure out. He can't be this cardboard cutout in the second book that I originally planned on. I need to figure out a way to make him more important so that the reader will actually care about him, and also find the third book believable. I don't want to shove him in the reader's face too much because that would drastically change the plot of the second book, but I think there are more subtle ways to sneak him in.

It's just really great that I'm figuring this out now instead of after writing the second book. I'd hate to have to go back and change everything. Imagine if the second book was already published! It would be impossible to change it. So sometimes your characters may do something that throws you off, but if they're nice enough, maybe they'll let you know while it's still early enough to change things.