05 December 2018

Motivation and Writing Space Stuff

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click here to learn more and sign up!

Here we are! The last IWSG post of the year! HOLY CRAP WHERE DID THE TIME GO??? *ahem* So it's time to scramble to wrap up any goals before they get repackaged as New Year's resolutions. Again. I'm about 99% sure that I've given up on my reading goal, well, because I've pretty much stopped reading. That was a tough one since I've never made it so close (67/100), but it just doesn't seem possible to finish in less than a month. I thought if I spent all my time reading, then I definitely wouldn't finish the third draft of my novel, which may or may not happen before the year is over. 

I think my main problem with writing is MOTIVATION! Sometimes even when I want to write, even when I have ideas, even if the scene seems easy, I just can't make myself start working. Ok, part of the problem may be that I'm always tired, and sitting around watching TV just sounds a lot better, but even when I make plans to write (especially on a day off), I still don't get a lot done. It's like there's something holding me back. Is it the fear of finishing? I'm not sure. If it is, it's probably subconscious. It could just be laziness and procrastination. It could be a mixture of all these things! But I do want to finish this damn book, so I'd better make with the motivation pretty soon.

This month, I thought I'd answer the IWSG's optional question, which was: What are five objects we'd find in your writing space?

Ok, so I'm cheating a little on this one. I'm gonna reuse an Instagram post from earlier this year, and it's more than five objects, but they are things that are usually useful/necessary for writing. I have a very very very small apartment, so I don't actually have a writing space (like an office or even a desk). I just write on my bed. So here are the things that usually find their way onto the bed during writing time: 

1. Laptop (for the writing of the words), and headphones (inspiration music is entirely necessary and not at all distracting)
2. Notebook & pens for brainstorms/free writes/whatever, my red 3rd draft binder, research books (or writing reference books, or sometimes just a book I'm reading), and a chocolate offering to the muse (he has a sweet tooth)
3. Wearing gray! (Absolutely essential...I'm not weird or anything...) And comfy pillows
4. Sleeping cat not required but usually present 

Just like I may or may not finish my novel, I may or may not write another blog post this year, so I think I'll say Happy Holidays and Happy New Year now!

What's in your writing space? How do you stay motivated? 


  1. Hey, reading 67 books is great! I kind of want to push to see if I can get to 100 myself.... We'll see!

    Happy Holidays to you, too, Sarah!

  2. Maybe we'll both find the motivation.
    That's still a lot of books read this year.

  3. 67 is a fabulous number of books! I'm nearing 100 as that's my goal, too, but I count all the books I read with my son. Have a very happy holiday season!

  4. I'm trying to figure out why 100 was a goal lol. 67 is AMAZING!

  5. I've found my writing space has shifted a lot this year, in search of that elusive motivation you speak of. Happy Holidays to you and yours! :)

  6. I have one of those ever-present sleeping cats, too. She insists on sleeping in my lap every single time I sit at my desk. Which is not at all inconvenient.

    Nice job with the 67 books. I haven't managed to hit my goal of 52.

    Happy holidays to you too—best of luck getting that third draft done!!

  7. Motivation always hides so well, and TV is easier to watch. My dog is my sleeping companion (he's snoring right now). Happy Holidays!

  8. Love the chocolate offering and the gray! :) My dog and cat follow me around at home and sleep nearby, sometimes getting pushy about getting attention if I sit too long, so they are my constant companions and remind me to move. Plus, if I don't sit to write at the "normal" time, then they herd me to one of my writing spaces. (They prefer that I write on the couch. I prefer to write at the table, which they tolerate.)

  9. 67 books isn't shabby at all. I got about half that.
    Motivation can be so elusive. It's been avoiding me like the plague, and chronic fatigue does not help. I think both are conspiring against me.

  10. I've felt the same way with writing for most of this year. I have ideas and scenes in my head but can't get motivated to write them down. I'm hoping I can at least write some before the year is over and feel like I've made some progress but who knows.
    Love your kitty cat! <3

  11. My reading dropped off too. I think it's just the year. I only got to 55 (I think).

  12. Sorry you aren't making your reading goal, but 67 is a lot of books. I haven't had the time to write but would definitely need time to read and watch TV too before I can devote a regular time slot for it. I just don't want to be busy all the time.

  13. Um, gray is my favorite color. I usually wear gray and black. And the cat is awesome. Great minds think alike!

  14. I usually have a sleeping cat. There is a fear of failure so it could be somewhere in the back of your mind.

  15. I understand your tiredness making you want to veg out. Some days are like that for me, too. In fact, all of February last year. A pet is great for companionship. I miss our dog.

  16. Motivation is hard to come by sometimes. And if I'm not motivated, the writing really sucks, so I might as well hang it up and do the laundry. At least I'll have accomplished something that smells good that way.

  17. Motivation has its ebbs and flows. Here's hoping yours flows again soon! @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

  18. Motivation is a key and finding ways to spark it. Wearing gray huh? I use to always wear a hat, but don't do that much anymore mainly because they are packed away somewhere and buried. I should buy me another. Happy IWSG.

  19. I hope you find some motivation, inspiration, and a wonderful amount of words waiting for you this holiday season. If we don't see you before next year, have a happy new year!

  20. Gray is necessary for your writing? Hmmm... All I need to wear is something comfy, and warm if the basement is too cold. I rarely have to work on my motivation. I'm always anxious to make progress on my story.

  21. Ah yes, if we could bottle and sell motivation I'm sure we would all stock up! Mine ebbs and flows, usually depending on what else is going on in my life at the time. I hope you manage to finish your current draft soon.

  22. I set a goal of 52 books this year, and beat it, which is nice. Not sure how many I've beat it by now, as I had a checklist and checked off all the books, so stopped tracking once I finished the 52. The cat looks super happy.

  23. A lot of what you described sounded similar to what I'd been experiencing (though I had depression on top of it) that I later realized was burnout. I wish you all the best with your writing.

    I may have said this already but perhaps doing 65-70 books for your reading challenge next year would be better. Then adding 5 to each total you manage after that to challenge yourself.

  24. You're like me in terms of writing on your bed. I just wish I had an adorable cat to share my writing space like you do :-)

  25. I feel you on the lack of motivation. It's so hard when you want to do something, but just can't take the step to do the thing you want to do. Cats are good writing buddies. Happy Holidays!
