08 January 2020

New Year, New Plan(ner)

It's the first second Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click here to learn more and sign up!

It's a new year so that means it's time to start anew and try to kick my butt into gear on getting all the things done that I didn't get done last year. Sounds like a broken record, right? I feel like I get a fresh start every new year and then all that motivation just fizzles out to nothing. Well, this time, I have a plan. No, wait, I have a planner! Is there a difference? Sort of...

One of the Christmas presents I was most looking forward to (not that I just send my husband my Amazon wishlist or anything...) was a fancy planner for 2020. I really want to crack down and get organized with all of the writing and non-writing (*cough* lose weight *cough*) goals that I always have but never seem to accomplish. Well, when I finally got my hands on said planner, I loved it! It's super fancy, with monthly and weekly breakdowns, daily checklists, places to reflect, and STICKERS. I've barely begun to use it and I'm already excited. 

So how will this help me? Well, it's really easy to make BIG goals. Like, finish my novel. Lose 60 pounds. What I like about this planner is that not only do you make those big, year-long goals, but then you break it down. It has sections for 3-month goals, then monthly goals, and even weekly goals. I'm a person who likes to take things one step at a time. I can get overwhelmed real easily and that just leads to me watching a lot of TV and eating a lot of junk food. But if I can break everything down into smaller goals, then it doesn't seem as daunting. 

For example, one of my big goals is to finish Uneven Lines. So, for the yearly goal, I wrote that I want to finish the third draft and get it published, or in the process of being published (because that could take awhile). Then for my 3-month goal, I put just to finish the third draft. For January in particular, my goal is to write Chapter 28. But since even that is a huge task, my goal for this week is to actually just read through the entire draft so far. Not only to refresh myself (spent all of November doing NaNo and December doing nothing), but to get a feel of what really needs to happen in this chapter. I'm sure I'll edit a bit as I go, but this particular task doesn't seem difficult at all. It could actually be fun. 

You're supposed to reward yourself for accomplishing goals, but I can't think of any rewards that aren't food...

Then next week, my plan is to start journaling some ideas (something I've been doing with the last third of the book as I completely gutted the last draft), and then hopefully but the next week, that will lead to some writing. And hopefully at that point I'll find the writing easier. It won't be something that seems so difficult that I'll just avoid it entirely. And then maybe I can actually get it done. 

I like the way this planner breaks everything down so I don't have to figure it out all at once. I'm sure my goals will change and adapt as the year continues. I don't need to figure out my goals for later in the year right now. I can literally just focus on this week, with just a hint of an idea of what will be next.

Do you use planners? Do you break down goals into smaller ones?


  1. Your planner sounds awesome! Stickers can be small rewards that you put in your planner or journal. Also, buy yourself flowers. I'm going to do that when I reach a goal (that I still need to set). I like your idea of journaling ideas. I'm going to use that, too. Happy New Year! It is your year to shine, too. Thanks for being the first to visit my blog on this first IWSG day of 2020.

  2. Amazon is the best. I love that your planner has stickers!!! My daughter gave me a small notebook that I'm writing things down inside to stay on track. But no stickers. I will have to get some!

  3. I love planners. I look forward to seeing how you achieve your goals this year.

  4. I do a sort of bullet journaling. Last year I used a binder, but this year I'm using an actual planner but still doing my own form of bullet journaling in it. We'll see how it goes.... Good luck to you and your new planner! :)

  5. I'm glad you got the planner you wanted. Let it help you stay on track. And instead of food, reward yourself with a short day trip to someplace where you have to do a lot of walking.

  6. OMGoodness. I just remembered I bought my daughter a planner for Christmas and I forgot to give it to her!!! I have one sitting next to me right now. A planner is a good thing. Wishing you much success in 2020!

  7. I started doing the bullet journal thing last year, just as an experiment, but I enjoyed it, so I started a new one this year, with additional writing-related goal sections. I hope it helps me get to a place where I might have to come up with brand new goals for 2021...

    Breaking down those big goals into smaller chunks is key. I'm rooting for you!

  8. That planner looks great - I like the break down of goals. Big goals never work for me. I need step by step or nothing happens :)
    Hoping 2020 is the year you accomplish it all!

  9. Breaking down goals is important. And stickers! I love anything with stickers. I use them to award my daily word counts. :)

  10. I think breaking down goals is extremely useful. Glad that you think your new planner will help you in 2020.

  11. So cool to see your motivation! Planners are neat, but there year I made a goal plaque with three items on it. Check those items off and 2020 will be a success, for me. Good luck on your goals this year! :)

  12. Nice. I'm pretty bad about setting goals for myself. I seem to work well when an external imposed deadline is put on me. Why that is, I don't know.

  13. I love planners like that! Big goals are overwhelming, but monthly-weekly goals are doable.

  14. I LOVE planners. I have the most difficult time selecting one because so many are so cool. Then when I pick one, I keep looking at them and always find another one I should have held out for. I hope the planner helps you in the ways you hope for.

  15. I love your planner! Breaking down those goals into edible chunks makes it all so much more doable!

  16. I don't have goals per se, just things I need to do like revise this, write a synopsis for that, read more books, and of course write :)

  17. I don't tend to get along with planners all that well, but I'm thinking that I need to buckle down and get with the program if I want to be successful as a writer. Glad you've got a process that works. Good luck for the coming year.

  18. Hi Sarah! Sounds like you've got a plan. Hope you get to finish Uneven Lines. No, I use a whiteboard for my planner - actually I have 2 with all my writing goals staring, frowning, laughing at me in my office. Hope you reach your goals in 2020!

  19. Hi Sarah, both of us need to kick some serious butt this year. I like the title Uneven Lines. Hope you finish it soon :)

  20. My sister bought me a 2020 Planner at a random point last year, so I need to remember to try to use it. XD

  21. I got the same planner! I always say I am going to use one and then give up by February at the latest but I love this one and feel like I will make it work for me. Good luck with your goals!!

  22. Hi Sarah, yes it's a simple google Calendar. That's my planner and To Do List. Could not stay organized without it. Have a great New Year!

  23. I received a planner at Christmas don't know how much I will use it. I have bullet journal on a regular basis. I am in slump with that right now. I am late making the rounds. Happy IWSG!

  24. The planner sounds like a fun way to get organized. Good luck accomplishing your goals. Remember to pace yourself, so you can enjoy every moment.

