06 September 2023

Happy Anniversary, IWSG!!

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's the posting day for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Click here to learn more and sign up!

This month I'm a co-host! The other fabulous co-hosts are Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, and Meka James

This month is also a special post because it's the IWSG's 12 year anniversary! The question for this month is: When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

**WARNING: Please do not attempt a drinking game where you take a shot every time I say IWSG in this post.**

I had to dig through the archives for this information. Including this one, I have written 120 posts for the IWSG (according to a Google search, that means I only missed 3 months!). The first one was on June 5, 2013, and was entitled The Greatest/Worst Book Ever Written. It was about feeling like your story is the greatest thing ever one day, then absolute crap the next. I felt like I had found the perfect blogging community to join because I was chock full of insecurity (and I still am). It seemed like the perfect place to be. 

The IWSG has been a HUGE part of my blogging for over the past ten years. I honestly can't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I'm certainly glad I did. I do remember that at the time there was no IWSG website, and the sign-up page was through Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog. Going through my first posts I also remembered the old black and white badge with the red font! I don't feel old...

I've really enjoyed and benefited from connecting with so many other writers with the same insecurities. I love how we're able to relate to and help each other out by reading and commenting on posts. Although I've never met anyone in person, I'd like to say I've made a lot of friends through this community. I also remember how frustrating it was when I first started blogging to get people to come visit my blog.  Joining the IWSG helped me get a lot more traffic and find other blogs that I still frequently visit. 

It's definitely important to note that without the IWSG I probably wouldn't be blogging at all right now. I haven't written a non-IWSG post in over two years. I've been in such a writing rut that it's hard to come up with things to blog about. Having the IWSG as a staple every month forces me to come up with something, and there's always the optional question there to help me out when I have no ideas. 

The IWSG also helped me get published! My short story "The Last Dragon" was published in the second IWSG anthology, Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life. I'm really proud of that story and it's because of the IWSG that it's out in the world. 

I probably would have given up on blogging a long time ago if it weren't for the IWSG. Although writing is often hard for me right now, I have no plans on quitting anytime soon. I'm just taking it one month at a time. 


  1. Hi Sarah! 120 is a whopping number! I am sure there are so many in the IWSG who've learnt from you. Happy IWSG Day!

  2. I don't have much time to blog, but IWSG is a top pick when I do. Thanks for co-hosting.

  3. Hi Sarah. Thanks for co-hosting this month. IWSG is what keeps me blogging too. I know every month I'll come up with an essay and it makes me feel accomplished. Keep on writing!

  4. Only missed three - that's awesome!
    So glad the IWSG has kept you going. We'd miss you if you didn't post.
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

  5. That's awesome that you have been with the IWSG for so long and only missed three posts. I think a lot of people wouldn't continue blogging without the IWSG. I have a mission for my blog so I would still blog, but it would be so much harder to carry on without this group.

  6. Happy IWSG Day! Thanks for co-hosting. Thanks for sharing your story with us today. I too would not still be blogging if it weren't for the IWSG. I wish you all the best on your month to month writing journey.

  7. I think we've all benefited from this group. It's been awesome, and hope it continues on for many more years to come! Thank you for co-hosting!

  8. I'm glad you've gotten so much good out of the IWSG.

    And I'm very glad you have no plans to quit writing any time soon. <3

  9. Congrats on The Last Dragon. I don't think many of us remember how we stumbled on IWSG. Go glad you're a member.

  10. One month at a time is a very good plan! My first published work was through IWSG as well - amazing experience!

  11. Great post--lots I agree with (like the insecurity) One of the strengths of IWSG is their clever monthly themes. You reminded me of that with 'The Greatest/Worst Book Ever Written'. I'd never come up with that but it's perfect. Thanks for co-hosting!

  12. THIS! All the reasons I love IWSG! I struck the gold standard when on my first visit (probably 10 years ago!) when, like you, there was no place else for writers to talk about . . WRITING! We rock!

  13. The IWSG is single handedly keeping my blog going, too. Without it, there would definitely be a hole in the writing community.

  14. Congrats on getting a story published in the anthology. It's a great thing that has come out of this group. Thanks for co-hosting today!

    Mary at Play off the Page

  15. 120 posts! That's a lot of writing. Like you, I can't remember how I found IWSG, but I'm so grateful that I did. Thanks for the great co-hosting post today.

  16. Chock full of insecurity... yep, I relate! I wouldn't have met you without this group. I'm glad both of us joined.

  17. That good 'ole old badge! And yep, you are an anthology author.

  18. I've made quite a few friends thanks to IWSG.

  19. I'm so thankful for IWSG and our Hero Lost anthology. :)

  20. Got a bit of a nostalgia hit off seeing that old badge. One of the great things about IWSG is that it kept me writing during some dark and difficult times in my life. I can't express how grateful I am for that.

  21. I should have admitted that also. IWSG keeps me blogging also. I've done a few promotional posts for other writers but nothing for myself except IWSG.

  22. Same. IWSG gives me the motivation to post every month. As much as I loved doing the A-Z challenge for a few years, it kind of burned me out on posting. Doing a monthly post is much easier to manage.

  23. IWSG has been a HUGE part of my blogging for over the past eight years, Sarah. Thanks so much for cohosting this month's question. Have a beautiful day!

  24. Ha! I posted my old IWSG badge too. My first post was 2012. I've gotten so much out of this group and their support.

  25. I like the story about your first IWSG post. Like you, I rarely blog, except on the IWSG days. They keep my blog alive. And the traffic embedded in the blog hop format doesn't hurt either.

  26. I did the same. I had to dig through my old posts to find my first IWSG post. February 4, 2015. Almost overlooked it as I'd forgotten about the old badge. And at first, I used to post the badge at the end of my blog post. Not at the top as I've been doing for years now.

  27. Without the IWSG, Sarah, I probably would have given up on writing as well. And like you, I had a story published in an IWSG anthology, "Voyagers: The Third Ghost" which I am very proud of. My blog is still going strong. I've found it a good way to sharpen my writing skills. Wishing you a happy and productive September!

  28. It's amazing that IWSG has stayed such a positive and affirming experience all these years. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  29. Your post is a wonderful commentary on how wonderful IWSG is. Thanks for co-hosting and just being such a gracious inspiration.

  30. Sometimes it is easiest to have a prompt ready.
    "The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and

  31. Thanks for co-hosting! I hope writing gets easier for you. Like you, I love how the IWSG helps me feel connected and motivated.

  32. We share a similar experience of connection and blogging via IWSG. It's so nice to have positive support group as we dream and write. Thanks for co-hosting on this special 12th anniversary.

  33. Ohmygosh! I remember that badge and the link being on Alex's blog. What good times. All the bloghops and fests were part of my "writer education." I learned as much through this community as I did writer's conferences. Here's to many more years of commiserating and working through insecurities together.

  34. Writers, like most good artists, are always insecure. Can never have too much hand-holding. :-)

  35. Congrats at being a long-time blogger! It was great to share the anthology experience with you.

  36. Same here. If not for the IWSG, my blog would be collecting dust so many others. Even when I am too busy to write a word, I can post for the IWSG. Love it and the community of writers in it.

  37. So glad I found the IWSG, too! Happy anniversary! Loved the stats you shared. :) I'm a math nerd!

  38. That is some serious level of commitment! I am trying to be more consistent. I spent years lurking, and now going on years trying to post. Will keep working on that consistency! www.heidiangell.com

  39. Your "About" section made me smile, as did your delightful post ;-) You easily speak for all of us. I haven't been around quite as long as you but IWSG has the same positive effect on everyone. Thanks for co-hosting!

  40. I can totally relate. I'm just returning to the blogging/writing world. Because so much has changed, I'm having trouble figuring out where to start. But I was familiar with IWSG, so I figured I'd start there. Happy anniversary, IWSG!

  41. I didn’t think of counting up my posts! It’s a lot. And you remind me that the IWSG gave me my first short story sale, too, which was a huge boost, even if I’ve only sold 2 or 3 since. I keep trying, though I do seem to be mainly a novelist

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I think many of us feel the same way, that we wouldn't be blogging anymore if not for the IWSG. It's the people and the supportive group that keeps me coming back.
