26 June 2013

The Birthday Goal

Sorry, no writing tips today. This one's all about me. I've had this idea floating in the back of my mind in order to crack down and get my first draft done. I'm not usually good with deadlines, since I'm quite the procrastinator. But lately my progress has completely plateaued. It's like all of my motivation disappeared. So I need to slap it awake.

I actually have three dates in my head for particular goals, but the first one is the most important: finishing the first draft. And my deadline is August 9. Why? Because it's my birthday! I don't know why I picked my birthday, really. I thought about giving myself the whole summer but that didn't seem like a strict enough goal. So it seemed like a good fit. Enough time to actually finish, but not too much so that I'll give up on the goal or take longer than necessary.

And the best part? I'm taking a vacation from work from July 6-14. There will be massive amounts of writing done in this time. I'm planning on getting the majority of the work done during that week, then using the following weeks to wrap it up.

Well, that's it really for today. My brain feels like a pile of mush. Hopefully I'll be making a birthday post about my fabulous first draft! But I'll be bothering you plenty of times until then...


  1. Good for you. I'm a big procrastinator also. I'm going to Florida for two weeks and I always get a lot of good writing done while on vacation. I know that just does not sound right. Good luck . I've come to realize that self imposed deadlines work for me. Happy early birthday and hopefully you will have a wonderful gift for yourself.

    1. Thanks! Vacations usually help me just because I don't have work to distract me from writing. Hopefully someday writing will be my actual job.

  2. Maybe you should join Camp NaNoWriMo in July to help motivate you. ;-) You can just work like me and add as many words as possible to your current WiP.

    If you do join in, feel free to drop me a message and we can motivate each other. My NaNoWriMo user name is iceangel.

    Thanks for following my blog!

    1. Is it cheating if I already have half of the novel done? :P
