Sometimes when you're starting out blogging, it can feel like you're all alone. Like there are tumbleweeds rolling along at the bottom of your posts. It takes a while to build followers and relationships with other bloggers. But there are certain things you can do that not only help you get more blog traffic, but also show that you're a courteous blogger who knows that you need other people to help you out. The following are just a few tips for being a
friendly and successful blogger. They’re really just some basic ideas, and
things that irk me when I notice them not
Check out
other blogs
This could probably go without saying, but there
are some great reasons for checking out other blogs. How can you expect other
people to visit your blog if you don’t
put yourself out there? The best way to do that is to frequent other blogs that
are similar to yours—leave comments, make virtual friends who will then check
out your writing because you looked at theirs. I find myself looking forward to
days when I know certain bloggers will write a new post. It’s not only a great
way to network, but also to get information and advice. Who knows? You could be
struggling on a certain aspect of your book, and then one of your blogger
buddies writes a post that helps you figure it out. There’s oodles of
information out there that can be useful to you.
Return the
Don’t you get excited when you see a new comment
on your blog? Wouldn’t it be great to give other bloggers that feeling? If
somebody took the time to read your blog, you should check out theirs as well.
It’s just common courtesy. Where would you be if no one looked at your blog? If
you have this constant back and forth between other bloggers, then you’ll
create some great relationships and eventually a good reputation as a blogger.
There’s a few ways to do this. If somebody leaves a comment on your blog, go to
theirs and leave a comment on their latest post. Also, just following someone
else’s blog is a great way to support them. You don’t have to read every single
post they make, but they’ll get a great boost of self-esteem just by having you
as a follower. So it’s a great idea to follow back anyone who follows your
Reply to
I’ve finally
gotten to the point where I always receive at least one comment on every
blog post, so I like to reply to those who took the time not only to read my
post, but consider their own thoughts on it and leave a comment. I didn’t
always reply to comments because they were usually rare, and I was still in the
awkward beginning phase of blogging where I felt like I had nothing to say. But
it’s important to show your commenters that their time and thought is appreciated.
Even if you don’t know exactly how to respond, even just a thank you or “thanks
for stopping by” would be better than nothing. I’m sure most of you just leave
a comment on other people’s blogs and that’s that. But I’m one of those psychos
that need to keep checking to see if the author replies and what they have to
say. And it’s not the end of the world if they don’t respond, but it is a bit
of a letdown.
So those are just a few ideas for being a kind and
courteous blogger. I’m sure I’ll come up with some more tips in the future and
have a Part Two. Just remember how hard it is to start out blogging and the
sort of things you would want other bloggers to do for you.
Vacation Stats!
Word Count:
5,569. I finished Chapter Tweleven (Is it 12 or 11?? I still don’t know)
the other night, and it’s AWESOME. Until I reread it next week; then it’ll be
awful. I plan on getting another 5k done tonight. Yes, 5! I plan on having
another 10k done by the next time I check in.
Poems: Yeah,
uh…let’s just move on, shall we?
Blogs: Two!
It’s going great, as you can see.
Reading: I
finished The Catcher in the Rye this
morning and started Tinkers by Paul
Harding the other day. Because I’m some sort of masochist who likes to read Pulitzer
winning books and try to figure out how my writing can be like that. But I want
to finish it fast because MY BOOKS CAME YESTERDAY. I could probably read all
four in four days. And by now I’ve probably convinced Amazon that I’m a gay man
by my book selection. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.